Monday, December 10, 2007

A Response to DC93, AKA Damian Carabello


As has been said over and over again by many throughout history, "I think I have touched a nerve!"

Damian, since you yourself are taking money from the public trough (yes RACC is financed by public dollars), I was only commenting on your lack of decorum, civility, or even understanding of the word, compromise.I have posted your comments in their entirety, unlike your good friend, the nefarious blogger, John Morgan. (Folks, please check Damian's rant on my entry "the truth will set you free 2". They were posted in entirety as I said I would.)

I shudder to see you even mention the Reverend John Morgan, considering that gentleman has more class and charisma in his pinky finger than you have in your whole body. He is a man of God and Christianity: you, well, let the blog readers determine what exactly you are, but your diatribe is more than enough to show them exactly what you are...

As far as my identity, Damian, you and your allies have decided that your way of life and thought process must be accepted by all of us or we become targets for your vitriol. Damian, please get a grant and study human nature and maybe you will learn something about yourself. It is really simple Damian: if I have to live in a country that is full of your rantings/ravings and hatred, then I'd rather fight back with the weapons you have chosen to use and do everything I must to fight your personal vendetta against the Democrat Party and its leaders, and moderate Democrats like me.

Yes, Damian, I believe we need to hold our Leaders accountable, but by whose standards? Yours? I'd rather hang by my neck with my liberal, moderate and conservative Democratic allies.

Damian, answer these questions. Where is your outrage and your bitterness towards the Harrisburg leadership that is under investigation, exactly as Mr. Caltagirone had explained at his appearance at the Democratic Party meeting in February? DeWeese is in trouble and when he is indicted, will you write on all the blogs admitting that Mr. Caltagirone was correct?

No, you won't because that does not fit your plans, Damian!

My identity, it is quite humorous really, for I am not hiding behind anonymity because of people like you, but more to protect those who give me the information so I can offset the hatred you and John and Morrill spew across the internet. Please do not threaten me with a lawsuit. I have not spoken anything out of school. I have kept copies of your multitudes of postings across the internet and can stand behind what I say with your own words.

Damian, what is scary is that your warped and peculiar position is part of the educational staff at RACC, where young men and women are being trained for a better future. For the record, I pray and hope for a better future for all of the students enrolled at RACC.

Just as long as it is not by your design...

Respectfully, I am...


Anonymous said...

Let me set a lot of things straight here, and in as civil and reasonable a tone as I can, for being peeved.

Actually, I touched a nerve first, or else you wouldn't have bothered to take aim at me and my so-called allies. Though, I did really wonder how long it was going to take for anybody from within the party, to come back with a confronting effort. I really didn't expect them to just sit and take it laying down.

The thing is, none of this really needed to happen, but people decided to make an issue of something that I personally could not just sit idly by and let go unchecked or unconfronted.

By the way, I am in no official way allied with John, Mike, or anyone. You can continue to lump us together, but it is simply untrue. I defend who I choose to defend of my own volition. John did not ask me to, nor has he sought my continued support or defense, and neither has Mr. Morrill, who I've never even spoken to. Apparently, in scanning my multitude of comments that you've diligently copied and reviewed, you missed the part about that I am going to be a complete non-party, no party affiliation voter, in the very near future and that I've denounced all political parties pretty much uniformly.

What is more, if you are so intimately aware of what began all of this brew-haha in the first place, you'd realize that it was those who are against John Morgan and his blog that started this and my defense of his free speech rights and liberties along with partially the general decorum (to use your term) at the bi-monthly meetings I'd attended, spurred my decision to resign from the party. The rest is owed to how outraged I am at the Democratic party at the state and federal levels, and yes, that includes Mr. "I've got a million word vocabulary and a shot glass worth of character" DeWeese and his now very apparent shenanigans in Harrisburg. Yes, Tom C. was right and I will give him proper credit for having stated as much at that meeting back in February.

Given what Tom C. knew then that has been shown to be true now to the whole public, why has a man of his long tenure of the State Assembly seen fit to form a coalition of caucus members and unseat Mr. DeWeese from his post? I mean, if he's gonna crow about how bad DeWeese is, but let him go on being the Majority leader, then I have to be a little irked at the lack of action by such a tenured politician who knows the score and the scheme, but still lets the person he takes issue with go on as business as usual. Please tell me you see the problem with that as well. So, tell me again how I am not outraged and bitter about the continued apparent corruption and violations that go on in Harrisburg state government.

As I said, I had already taken Mr. Cohen and former majority Whip, Don Snyder to task at the PA Political Science Association dinner, about their dog and pony show about how state government reform was going to be in earnest, when all the while DeWeese and presumably others were still playing their games and schemes. I asked them then how it could be that we'd see true reform when people like DeWeese were still holding the reigns, even if not the Speakership position. The gist of the answer was that the members were very aware of how important it was to the electorate of the state and that they would be looking into many ways to address reform, and welcomed the help and professional guidance of political scientists and public administration educators. I'd actually be quite happy to sincerely assist them, if they want my help. Though, I am fairly certain that idea again makes you shudder, I can be a thorough professional and put my own personal feelings aside. I do that when I teach, for I do believe it is wrong for a professor/instructor to rant on and on about their own views and sentiments with a captive, impressionable audience, especially when it undermines the teaching of concepts and methods that by themselves are free from bias or slants as is. So, please put your deep concern for my impact that I have at RACC on hold. You know of me only through brief dealings with the party committee and how I sound off on blogs, forums. To be blunt, that isn't even the half of me and I don't mean in a negative way. I would urge you to engage me in a better discourse and I would welcome the same. You would be quite surprised and I think it would be pleasantly so.

As to what comments or pieces that John Morgan edits or omits from his blog, when people comment on it, I do not know, nor do I pretend to guess if he edits comments or not. I am pleased to see that you actually posted my entire comment and in its unedited form. This goes a good way with me, as far as determining if you are at least a fair person, with regard to sharing viewpoints.

I understand your reasoning behind your comments and their basis. Yes, I had lack of decorum, yes, I had lack of civility, yes, I have had a general lack of compromise. However, I will admit that I am not one who will just compromise for compromising sake, or make an argument for argument's sake, generally.

There are those topics and values that will cause me to defend them or fight over them quite strongly and even ruthlessly at times. I don't make any bones about that and if that makes me a horrible person, then color me horrible.

As to my personal vendetta, it stems from people who think they are bigger than what they are and who needed to be reminded that they are no better or worse, no bigger or smaller than any of us, who are or in my case were on the committee. Also, if you are going to have rules, and be the one who is leading the group, then you have an obligation to follow the rules and by-laws for all not just some, and not deem to have powers or authorization that is not reasonably connected to some actual codified policy of said organization. Further, I do not have a vendetta against the Party, on the whole. Let us be clear on that shall we please. I have a problem with both major parties and pretty much every minor party because I believe that none of them really do much good for the populace anymore. I read about nothing but partisaned bickering at most levels of government between the Dems and the GOP. I see that fringe parties are getting more fringed and how dangerous some of them could be if they ever got a person elected to a major position in a community, state, or federally.

Yet, I bemoan in some ways how much everyday people seem to be shut out from running for office, or how turned off they are to run for office because of how ugly it has become or how little of an opinion many in our society have of any elected official, regardless of party. For example, I could have won a seat on borough council, this year, if I had had one more vote, for a total of 2 votes. As it was, there was a 4 way tie for the seat with 1 write-in vote a piece. That is bad, when a small town can't find more than 1 write-in vote a person for 4 people to fill a seat on council. Since I've been of voting age, I'd never seen such a thing in my life until this year. Sadly, I think I may see it more frequently, but I hope I don't.

Under my anger, S.Dogood, when I can get past being pissed off and full of rage at something or someone, I'm not what you've seen in my typed words. I do hope you would take the opportunity to come to learn that of me in time.

To give you a bit more perspective, I actually used to be even more vitriolic and more off the deep end angry and raging than you've seen from me thus far. I began to actually suffer from high blood pressure and other anxiety symptoms from how torqued I'd get. I had to stop blogging from many places and my own online journals so that I could remove myself from the tension. I even try not to ready the Op-Ed pages much anymore or too much news because too much of it aggravates me into steaming anger easily. I think it is the prevalence of the continuous parade of idiocy and really bad decisions and situations that get plastered across the mainstream media and even non-mainstream sources that does it.

Still, I think for the future time to come and that may be a long time, I want to take a break from it all and just concentrate on being a calmer, more amiable person, who takes care of his affairs and work on doing good things.

This screaming and ranting back and forth is just wasting time, energy, and my health.

Good day,

Anonymous said...

Not to mention the half hour of all of our lives we never get back wasting our time reading Damian's posts. Does he get a book advance or something?

Anonymous said...

Apparently, Damien can only dish it out. I wonder if he gets a book advance for those posts.....

Anonymous said...

1 nasty beast:

-Don't read it if you don't have the time. It is your choice to read it, nobody's making you.

-Nope, no book advances for your edification.

-I, like the rest of this town and world take it all the time, but unlike some, I am not one to just keep taking it.

-D. Carabello