Monday, February 4, 2008

Can you say, the Nefarious Blogger is PARANOID!?

So I am reading the Nefarious Blogger, John Morgan for those unfamiliar with Dogood-imposed alias, and I see that he is on a "hunt" for a "beast". I am intrigued by his constant stupidity so I read on. Here is the brief synopsis of what is going on:

John, and his sidekick, Disreputable Boy, have been called to the carpet on their constant attacks full of inaccurate information, vicious attacks and innuendo by a person calling themselves, One Nasty Beast. John, in a perfect portrayal of why John should have NO, Zilch, NADA, credibility with anyone, decided he was going to identify One Nasty Beast by his or her GPS location!?!?

So John goes and takes picture of two building that he says are the location for One Nasty Beast. One building is in Norristown and the other one is in Clark's Summit. Here is the problem, it is neither. One of my regular readers (Thanks Iceman!) sent me proof on who One Nasty Beast is and after my jaw dropped, I was quite amused! Don't worry One Nasty Beast, your secret is safe with me!

But the reality is that John proceeded to get into a discussion with another Blogger, "Truth" on how he has a computer program to identify where a blog reader is from! John insists that he has the ability to locate a reader by their GPS coordinates?! So, "Truth", who seems quite intelligent technically-speaking, challenges John to identify the location of "Truth". Now folks I know you will not believe this but John actually answers the challenge by saying his computer has identified "Truth" as living at a home in Amity Township. Now here is the kicker folks, John identified "Truth" as living in Berks County, but the person DOES NOT EVEN LIVE HERE!!!!!!!

Hey John, the men in the black helicopters are coming for you. No, wait there are private investigators in that car outside your home! No, wait all of us are spying on you John because you are just so truthful and honest. In the meantime, your sidekick is saying that people are making veiled threats against his job. Gimme a break! You two want to take shots at people and then act like you are the victims?

While I do enjoy reading your issue posting, specifically on healthcare and working family issues, from policy people: your own paranoid mind is getting the better of you!

Respectfully, I am...
S. Dogood


Anonymous said...


You're half right. While I am temporarily out-of-county (what a hint!), my legal address is indeed in Berks.

onenastybeast said...

Now, Nefarious Blogger has blocked me from both blogsas the coward he is, in one case over the protests of Disreputable Boy. John can dish it out but can't take it. Let's see if Kirk is any braver.

Anonymous said...

What? Is It Possible?

John Morgan is bidding farewell to the netroots. He is throwing a snit, hoisting his pocketbook over his shoulder and shuffling off into the sunset.

Despite his claim to purveying information, his blogs were, in the end, all about John. Everything was always on display: his real or imagined hurts, his sicknesses, his diary of his daily, uneventful life, down to, in apparent disregard of his alleged "disability," hauling his kayak down to Blue Marsh Lake and lanquidly paddling among the overhaning trees while most of the rest of us worked for a living.

Most of the blog he devoted to lies, half-truths, libels, and nonsense about those who were actually taking an effective role in the political process.

Good by, John. May the likes of you never be seen again. Don't let the door hit your capacious gluteus maximus on the way out.